Scaling Brands with Creator Influence
From Founding to Strategic Investments

+30 million Follower under management

Discover our brands

Germany's Largest Portfolio of Creator-Led Brands

Ama Studios® is a premium streetwear fashion brand founded by a collaboration of top German influencers Trymacs, Amar, and entrepreneur Alvaro Gellings. Thanks to the reach and promotion by the biggest influencers in Europe, the brand quickly gained popularity and achieved remarkable success, with 7-figure revenues on its launch day. As time has passed, Ama Studios® has incorporated and shifted towards high fashion elements while maintaining a commitment to quality and craftsmanship.


Trick17® is the flagship product of Volle Ladung GmbH, a leading producer of Lifestyle Nutrition products catering to Gen Z. With a highly successful influencer campaign, led by the YouTuber Marc Eggers, and robust performance marketing strategy, Volle Ladung GmbH has firmly established itself as a dominant player in the German market. Recently, the company closed a funding round at a valuation of 6 million dollars, allowing it to expand its product range and set its sights on the American market.

Loco Chicken®

With over 100 restaurants opened on the very first day, Loco Chicken® has established itself as Europe's most successful restaurant debut, a testament to the vision of Luciano, Germany's renowned rapper. This venture has mirrored the roll-out strategy of Happy Slice, achieving widespread recognition. Operated under the LANCH platform, a system that facilitates influencers in creating virtual food brands, LOCO CHICKEN's launch was both swift and expansive.


Happy Slice® which set the record as the biggest restaurant launch in Europe with 70 restaurants overnight by renowned streamers Knossi and Trymacs, is revolutionizing the food delivery business—a record now surpassed by the launch of Loco Chicken® with over 100 restaurants on its first day. By the end of the year, Happy Slice will have an additional 150+ locations. Operated under the LANCH platform, a cutting-edge system that facilitates influencers in creating virtual ready-to-eat food brands, Happy Slice's launch was both swift and expansive. LANCH's valuation has now soared to over 100 million euros, reflecting strong market reception and a promising future in the competitive food sector.

Customized Culture®

Customized Culture® is a leading fashion brand in the international electronic music scene. The world's most famous DJs are wearing the unique designs, including Rufus Du Sol, Zedd, Amelie Lens, Ihatemodels, John Summit, Victor Ruiz, and Anfisa Letyago at some of the most prestigious events in the world, such as Tomorrowland, Ultra Miami, EDC Las Vegas Beyond Wonderland, and more.

day one®

day one®, launched in partnership with Arda Saatçi, Europe's sports sensation with unmatched engagement rates, is set to revolutionize fitness apparel. Marked by Germany's largest influencer campaign in July, it will be spotlighted by Arda's Berlin to New York ultramarathon challenge over 14 weeks that started in April. Thanks to our growth campaign, Arda's following grew by well over 1 million in just 8 weeks. The marathon's marketing campaign has already achieved over 40 million in reach and has been featured across all media channels, including television, radio, and newspapers. Focused on a range of athletic disciplines, day one® plans to deliver premium fitness apparel worldwide, targeting more than 10 million euros in revenue in its initial year.

Meet the Creators

Germany's Top Musicians, Athletes, YouTubers, and Twitch Stars
  • 530.000 Follower
  • 116.000 Follower
  • 225.000 Follower
  • 435.400 Follower
  • 306.000 Follower
  • 1.700.000 Follower
  • 168.000 Follower
  • 670.200 Follower
  • 1.100.000 Follower
  • 3.600.000 Follower
  • 1.100.000 Follower
  • 3.727.000 Follower
Marc Eggers
  • 295.000 Follower
  • 42.000 Follower
  • 643.000 Follower
  • 727.000 Follower
  • 1.329.000 Follower
  • 1.000.000 Follower
  • 1.100.000 Follower
  • 1.165.500 Follower
  • 2.000.000 Follower
  • 780.000 Follower
  • 1.480.000 Follower
  • 1.800.000 Follower
  • 2.300.000 Follower
  • 1.500.000 Follower
  • 1.550.000 Follower


At Creatorhouse, we are dedicated to founding, incubating, and investing in companies within the creator economy. Our unique approach leverages the initial reach of top-tier creators to generate a critical mass of customers and awareness. We combine this with the scaling capabilities of traditional startups through funding and comprehensive marketing strategies, including performance marketing.

Our sustainable goal is for each brand to autonomously scale beyond the creator's reach. By leveraging the creator's network and influence, we consistently achieve record-breaking organic results in brand launches and marketing campaigns across Europe. Additionally, we enhance the creator's reach through large-scale marketing campaigns, amplifying their influence and driving further growth.

Our commitment is to build and scale innovative companies that drive cultural and economic progress. This approach integrates long-term partnerships, excellence in execution, and a deep focus on innovation and impact. At Creatorhouse, we provide not just capital but also strategic guidance, a robust network, and comprehensive infrastructure. This includes deploying skilled employees across multiple brands and hiring specialized talent to meet each brand’s unique needs.

© 2025 Creatorhouse

Get in contact

Creatorhouse GmbH, Herrengraben 30,
20459 Hamburg, Germany


Für den Inhalt verantwortlich

Creatorhouse GmbH
Herrengraben 30
20459 Hamburg


Registry Court: Hamburg District Court
Registry Number: HRB 184415
Managing Director: Alvaro Gellings Franco de Saravia


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Konzept & Design

Die Agentur Lux

